Short bio
Elisa Ughetto is Full Professor at Politecnico di Torino, Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) and Research Associate at the Bureau of Research in Innovation Complexity and Knowledge (BRICK), Collegio Carlo Alberto and at the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center (EIC), Politecnico di Torino. Elisa teaches Accounting and Corporate Finance and Organizational Models and HRM at undergraduate level. She has a Ph.D. in Economics and Management of Technology from the University of Bergamo.
She serves as Associate Editor for the Journal of Small Business Management and is a member of the Editorial Review Board of Small Business Economics. She has been visiting scholar at the Washington University in Saint Louis (US), the European Investment Fund (LU), and visiting professor at the University of Augsburg (DE). In April 2019 she will be visiting professor at Iaelyon School of Management, Université de Lyon Jean Moulin.
Her research activity has concerned four major research areas, spanning topics that include corporate and entrepreneurial finance, internationalization of start-ups, public policy, economics of innovation, and intellectual property rights management. She has studied these topics making use of a wide range of empirical methodologies.
Selected publications
- ABRARDI, L., CROCE, A., UGHETTO, E., (2019), “The dynamics of switching between governmental and independent venture capitalists: theory and evidence”, Small Business Economics, forthcoming, 1-24, Springer, 10.1007/S11187-018-0047-Z
- CAVIGGIOLI, F., UGHETTO, E., (2019), “A bibliometric analysis of the research dealing with the impact of Additive Manufacturing on industry, business and society”, International Journal of Production Economics, forthcoming, 208, 254-268, Elsevier, 10.1016/J.IJPE.2018.11.022
- COLOMBELLI, A., PAOLUCCI, E., UGHETTO, E., (2019), “Hierarchical and relational governance and the life cycle of entrepreneurial ecosystems”, Small Business Economics, forthcoming, 1-17, Springer, 10.1007/S11187-017-9957-4
- TENCA, F., CROCE, A., UGHETTO, E., (2018), “Business angels research in entrepreneurial finance: a literature review and a research agenda”, Journal of Economic Surveys, 32(5), 1384-1413, Wiley, 10.1111/JOES.12224
- CROCE, A., GUERINI, M., UGHETTO, E., (2018), “Angel financing and the performance of high-tech start-ups: an exploratory study”, Journal of Small Business Management, 56(2), 208-228, Wiley, 10.1111/JSBM.12250
- COWLING, M., UGHETTO, E., LEE, N., (2018) “The innovation debt penalty: cost of debt, loan default, and the effects of a public loan guarantee on high-tech firms”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 127, 166-176, Elsevier, 10.1016/J.TECHFORE.2017.06.016
- DE MARCO, A., SCELLATO, G., UGHETTO, E., CAVIGGIOLI, F., (2017), “Global markets for technology: evidence from patent transactions”, Research Policy, 46(9), 1644-1654, Elsevier, 10.1016/J.RESPOL.2017.07.015
- CAVIGGIOLI, F., DE MARCO, A., SCELLATO, G., UGHETTO, E., (2017), “Corporate strategies for technology acquisition: evidence from patent transactions”, Management Decision, 55(6), 1163-1181, Emerald Publishing, 10.1108/MD-04-2016-0220
- UGHETTO, E., SCELLATO, G., COWLING, M., (2017), “Cost of capital and public loan guarantees to small firms”, Small Business Economics, 49(2), 319-337, Springer, 10.1007/S11187-017-9845-Y
- CROCE, A., TENCA, F., UGHETTO, E., (2017), “How business angel groups work: rejection criteria in investment evaluation”, International Small Business Journal, 35(4), 405-426, Sage Publications, 10.1177/0266242615622675
- BUZZACCHI, L., SCELLATO, G., UGHETTO, E., (2016) “Medical malpractice claims in Italy: scale and scope effects”, Social Science & Medicine, 170, 152-160, Elsevier, 10.1016/J.SOCSCIMED.2016.10.021
- UGHETTO, E., (2016), “Investments, financing constraints and buyouts: the effect of private equity investors on the sensitivity of investments to cash flow”, The Manchester School, 84(1), 25-54, Wiley, 10.1111/MANC.12085
- UGHETTO, E., (2016), “Growth of born globals: the role of the entrepreneur’s personal factors and venture capital”, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 12(3), 839-857, Springer, 10.1007/S11365-015-0368-1, 10.1007/S11365-015-0371-6 (erratum)
- CAVIGGIOLI, F., UGHETTO, E., (2016), “Buyers in the patent auction market: opening the black box of patent acquisitions by non-practicing entities”. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 104(C), 122-132, Elsevier, 10.1016/J.TECHFORE.2015.11.031
- BUZZACCHI, L., SCELLATO, G., UGHETTO, E., (2015), “Investment stage drifts and venture capital managerial incentives”, Journal of Corporate Finance, 33(C), 118-128, Elsevier, 10.1016/J.JCORPFIN.2015.05.006
- ODASSO, C., SCELLATO, G., UGHETTO, E., (2015), “Selling patents at auction: an empirical analysis of patent value”, Industrial and Corporate Change, 24(2), 417-438, Oxford University Press, 10.1093/ICC/DTU015
- CANNONE, G., UGHETTO, E., (2015), “Internationalization flows of high-tech start-ups: a gravity model”, European Business Review, 27(1), 60-79, Emerald Publishing, 10.1108/EBR-03-2014-0020
- CROCE, A., D’ADDA, D., UGHETTO, E., (2015), “Venture capital financing and the financial distress risk of portfolio firms: how independent and bank-affiliated investors differ”, Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal, 44(1), 189-206, Springer, 10.1007/S11187-014-9582-4
- CANNONE, G., UGHETTO, E., (2014), “Funding innovation at regional level: an analysis of a public policy intervention in the Piedmont region”, Regional Studies, 48(2), 270-283, Taylor & Francis, 10.1080/00343404.2011.653338
- CANNONE, G., UGHETTO, E., (2014), “Born globals: a cross-country survey on high-tech start-ups”, International Business Review, 23(1), 272-283, Elsevier, 10.1016/J.IBUSREV.2013.05.003
- CAVIGGIOLI, F., SCELLATO, G., UGHETTO, E., (2014), “International patent disputes: evidence from oppositions at the European Patent Office”, Research Policy, 42(9), 1634-1646, Elsevier, 10.1016/J.RESPOL.2013.06.004
- SCELLATO, G., UGHETTO, E., (2014), “Real effects of private equity investments: evidence from European buyouts”, Journal of Business Research, 66(12), 2642-2649, Elsevier, 10.1016/J.JBUSRES.2012.06.001
- CAVIGGIOLI, F., UGHETTO, E., (2014), “The drivers to patent transactions: corporate views on the market for patents”, R&D Management, 43(4), 318-332, Wiley, 10.1111/RADM.12016
- BUZZACCHI, L., SCELLATO, G., UGHETTO, E., (2013), “The investment strategies of publicly sponsored venture capital funds”, Journal of Banking and Finance, 37(3), 707-716, Elsevier, 10.1016/J.JBANKFIN.2012.10.018
- UGHETTO, E., VEZZULLI, A., (2011), “What role can mutual guarantee consortia play for financing innovation? A firm-level study for Italy”, International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, 3(4), 294-319, Inderscience Publishers, 10.1504/IJBAAF.2011.043704
- ODASSO, C., UGHETTO, E., (2011), “Patent backed securities in pharmaceuticals: what determines success or failure?”, R&D Management, 41(3), 219-239, Wiley, 10.1111/J.1467-9310.2011.00646.X
- CANNONE, G., UGHETTO, E., (2010), “Il finanziamento pubblico regionale a supporto dell’innovazione”, Economia e Politica Industriale, 370(3), 117-143, Franco Angeli Editore, 10.3280/POLI2010-003006
- ODASSO, C., UGHETTO, E., (2010), “La cartolarizzazione di brevetti nel settore farmaceutico: un’analisi fuzzy”, Bancaria, 2, 28-41, Bancaria Editrice
- UGHETTO, E., (2010), “Assessing the contribution to innovation of private equity investors: a study on European buyouts”, Research Policy, 39(1), 126-140, Elsevier, 10.1016/J.RESPOL.2009.11.009
- SCELLATO, G., UGHETTO, E., (2010), “The Basel II reform and the provision of finance for R&D activities in SMEs: an analysis for a sample of Italian companies”, International Small Business Journal, 28(1), 65-89, Sage Publications, 10.1177/0266242609350825
- CALDERINI, M., UGHETTO, E., (2009), “Vincoli finanziari e distretti industriali: quanto contano le fonti interne di finanziamento?”, L’Industria, 2, 457-477, Il Mulino Editore, 10.1430/30004
- UGHETTO, E., (2009), “Industrial districts and financial constraints to innovation”, International Review of Applied Economics, 23(5), 597-624, Taylor & Francis, 10.1080/02692170903007599
- UGHETTO, E., (2008), “Does finance matters for R&D investment? New evidence from a panel of Italian firms”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 32(6), 907-925, Oxford University Press, 10.1093/CJE/BEN015
- UGHETTO, E., (2007), “Foresight as a triple helix of industry, university and government relations”, Foresight, 9(25), 14-22, Emerald Publishing, 10.1108/14636680710821061
- UGHETTO, E., (2007), “Innovare nel distretto. Il ruolo del mercato del credito”, Sviluppo Locale, 12(28), 33-65, Rosenberg & Sellier Editori
- UGHETTO, E., (2007), “Le banche ed il finanziamento dell’innovazione. Problematiche, opportunità e nuovi sviluppi dopo Basilea”, Bancaria, 1, 56-65, Bancaria Editrice
Book chapters
- CARDI, M., UGHETTO, E., (2013), “Il capitale di rischio per lo sviluppo delle PMI”, Rubettino Editore
- CANNONE, G., UGHETTO, E., (2012), “Finanza pubblica a sostegno del capitale di rischio: quali iniziative regionali?”, in NICOLAI, M. Finanza Pubblica e Federalistmo Strumenti Finanziari Innovativi: Autonomia e Sostenivilità, Primo Rapporto sulla Finanza Pubblica di Fondazione Rosselli, 675-704 Maggioli Editore
- UGHETTO, E., (2012), “Buyouts in western European countries: the impact on company growth and innovation”, in CUMMING, D. The Oxford Handbook of Private Equity, 300-326, Oxford University Press
- CALDERINI, M., UGHETTO, E., (2009), “Finanziare l’innovazione”, Giappichelli Editore
- SCELLATO, G., UGHETTO, E., (2009), “Basel II and the financing of R&D investments”, in SILIPO, D. The Banks and the Italian Economy, 135-160, Springer
- UGHETTO, E., VEZZULLI, A., (2008), “Guarantee-backed loans, default prediction and value at risk”, in BRACCHI, G. and MASCIANDARO, D. Le Banche ed il Governo dei Ricchi: Mercati, Consumatori, Regole, Edibank
- UGHETTO, E., (2008), “The financing of innovative activities by banking institutions: policy issues and regulatory options”, in BRACCHI, G. and MASCIANDARO, D. Banche Italiane: un’Industria al Bivio, 347-368, Edibank
- UGHETTO, E., (2008), “The financing of innovative activities by banking institutions: policy issues and regulatory options”, in LAPERCHE, B. and UZUNIDIS, D. Powerful Finance and Innovations Trends in a High-Risk Economy, 224-247, Palgrave Macmillan
- UGHETTO, E., (2006), “Territorial proximity and credit constraints to innovation: evidence from a sample of italian firms”, in BRACCHI, G. and MASCIANDARO, D. Banche e Geografia: Nuove Mappe Produttive e Metamorfosi del Credito, 435-456, Edibank
Curriculum vitae
Innovation Studies
Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP)
Politecnico di Torino Duca degli Abruzzi 24
10129 Torino (TO)