The research group conducts cutting-edge research focused on innovation dynamics, entrepreneurship, and the development of entrepreneurial ecosystems in the space domains. By adopting a systemic approach, it explores how ideas are transformed into impactful ventures, examining the interplay of technological trajectories, new business opportunities, and localized dynamics among ecosystem players. This research aims to foster sustainable entrepreneurial growth by analyzing the roles of diverse stakeholders, including startups, large corporations, financial institutions, universities, regulatory bodies, and incubators.
Through its active participation in initiatives like the “NODES” project, the “Unlocking the potential of New Space Economy for Circular Economy” PRIN, and the “Space It Up” project, the research group leverages its expertise to identify emerging technological trends and new entrepreneurial ventures within the space industry.
In addition to its research activities, the members of this group actively contribute to education by teaching the course “Economics and business organization for space applications”. This course, designed for master students at Politecnico di Torino interested in the intersection of economics, innovation, and the space sector, aligns with the mission to advance knowledge and foster talent in these critical fields.
Main research topics
- Exploring space innovation dynamics: investigating how ideas are conceived, developed, and transformed into tangible products, services, or processes; identifying factors that facilitate or hinder innovation in localized contexts, particularly within the aerospace and space domains
- Entrepreneurial ecosystem analysis: studying the complex network of interactions among stakeholders in entrepreneurial ecosystems; assessing the contributions of key actors, such as corporations, financial institutions, universities, and public research centers, to entrepreneurial growth
- Technological trajectory mapping: analyzing emerging technological trends and their impact on the creation of new business opportunities in the space industry; discussing the role of innovation ecosystems in fostering these technological advancements
- Knowledge transfer and best practices: examining successful innovation and entrepreneurship strategies and how they can be adapted to local ecosystems; supporting the growth of startups by promoting knowledge sharing and the application of best practices
- Support for local innovation ecosystems: collaborating with local and international entities to strengthen entrepreneurial ecosystems through research and applied insights; facilitating interactions among diverse players to create favorable environmental conditions for business creation and growth
- Grazia Sveva Ascione, Assistant Professor
- Federico Caviggioli, Associate Professor
- Elettra D’Amico, Assistant Professor
- Giorgio Gueli, Undergraduate Research Fellow
- Francesca Orlando, Undergraduate Research Fellow
- Giuseppe Scellato, Full Professor
- Marianna Valente, Doctoral Candidate